
To use this template you need to follow the following three steps:

  • Open the image in a new Tab to able to zoom.

Step 01: Generate a Repo on Github

  • Generate from the template.
  • Use the following name:
  • Wait until the initial commit workflow is completed.
  • In Settings, choose Pages, choose gh-pages branch, and save.

You have a digital garden that should be available on ``

Step 02 Install local tools

Step 02.1 Install GIT

To work locally on the repo and be able to update it, you need to install GIT and link it to your account. [[ Install GIT ]]

Step 02.2 Install & Configure Obsidian

  • Clone your repo
    git clone
  • Install Obsidian
  • Open folder as a folder in Obsidian.
  • The vault comes by default configured with the recommended plugins (Templater, Excalidraw, Git, RTL Support).
    (For manual configuration follow the following link [[ Configure a new vault TODO ]]).

Step 03 Digital Gardening

  • Change the title of your digital garden
    • Change the title value in _config.yml
  • Write your notes using Markdown (follow your-first-note)
    • You can paste images, and draw diagrams using Excalidraw in the notes.
  • Push all the changes to github
    CTRL+P to see obsidian commands  and then 
    Obsidian git: Commit all changes 
    Obsidian git: Push 
  • For more advance commands check the following link Git Plugin Tutorial.
  • After couple of minutes, the modifications will be online πŸš€.

Table of contents

Local Graph


Here are all the notes in this garden, along with their links, visualized as a graph.